I hate how boring women like Vamp who don’t even provide engaging content still gets tons of replies on her thread because she’s cute. The bitch blames it on her nudes being leaked but her first and second thread were just as shit. She doesn’t even try to engage with the anons and it’s all fake bullshit. I don’t know who the fuck is more pathetic, the anons who actively reply to that thread thinking she’ll let them hit because she sent nudes to a 15 year old, or Vamp herself. I’ve seen paint drying be more engaging then her replies. Don’t even get me started that she’ll probably post lewds once in a blue moon to keep her orbiters active in the thread and since all of them have their hand in their dick in that thread  it works. Not as bad as Iris though, all that bitch ever did talk about is woe is me, I’m glad you understand you are mid as hell but you don’t know how many people would want to look mid as hell the way you do, be grateful. In the end she was a piece of shit to her fans and cucked them, hopefully these fans aren’t as retarded as the Vamp fans and realize the girl will never care about them. Rant over and I really want a cheeseburger fr