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one issue with retarded people having power over others, is that they assume everyone else is retarded too.
Take women projecting about how media affects men, for example. Women claim that porn changes men's standards for women, but in reality, it's women whose media incentivizes them to be more and more hypergamous. (Additionally, men have the mental ability to distinguish between reality and fiction, something that women struggle with.)
Or when they claim that men only see women as sex objects, when in reality it's women who only see men as either success objects or disposable wallets. Not to mention how women heavily sexualize themselves every single day, and how men are the romantic ones, begging women to have more to offer than a promise of an occasional wet hole.
Or the idea that men only do things when they're "normalized", when it's women who obsess over what's socially acceptable.
Intelligence is another example of this. Women don't really mean this, so here I'm just taking what women say seriously for fun (same with the above paragraphs, actually), but when women claim they want an intelligent man, how the FUCK are they gonna measure that, when they're so deeply retarded. They are too retarded to even understand how retarded they are.