Any time women get ANY measure of power, they immediately abuse it. Take sexuality, for example.
1. Withholding sex. Using it as a manipulation tool or bargaining chip. Even when it's to their detriment, like damaging their relationship, or damaging their enjoyment of sex.
2. Using social shaming based on sexuality. Virgin, incel, "no woman wants you", "can't make her cum", etc.
3. Attention whoring online and IRL. Everything they do is to draw attention to their sexuality. It's not a healthy balance, it's just all sex.
4. Via slutty poses, commodifying and gamifying their own sexuality. Not to mention using it to manipulate others. Ex. when women do a fake head tilt in pictures, because humans naturally tilt their head slightly when they like someone. Or lifting their hair over their ear. All these natural things that they're artificially copying for personal gain.
5. Hypergamy, just being a problem for men in general, and again to the point of the woman's own detriment, where she's never happy with what she has.
6. Gold digging, including getting free meals, favors, etc. Again manipulation.
7. Promiscuity in general, AGAIN even to the woman's own detriment.
8. Mismanaging the dating economy, making it so bad men and bad behavior are rewarded.
9. Personality detector malfunctions. These days it doesn't seem so bad for the woman's father to pick out her suitors, huh.
10. Leading men on and rejecting them purely for the malicious ego boost.

Bonus, general abuses and misuses of power:
1. HR departments and teachers in Education, in general.
2. Women immediately backstabbing a man when he opens up to her.
3. Women with wealth either divorce from their family, aiming to be "independent", or they stay in a hypergamous situation where they're never happy. You guessed it, it's to their detriment.
4. Single moms not raising their kids properly. Same for female dog owners.
5. Women voting for policies that harm themselves and others. Not to mention how easy they are to be manipulated. Yet again to their own detriment.
6. Terrible with finances, to the point where they think marketing is oppression. ("Pink Tax"). Detriment
7. Not knowing where to eat. The whole thing is only an issue because women have "equal decision". Men know where to eat, it's women who are creating a problem where there isn't one. Detriment of everyone involved.
8. False accusations, including how women don't really receive consequences for making them, AND how making them makes legitimate accusations from women not be believed. Again to their detriment.
9. When a man is sick (showing weakness), they immediately go for the attack, claiming it's a "man flu".
10. A general "Kick the ladder once you're up." mentality.
11. Female bosses mistreating both male and female subordinates.
12. Women in power often "pull rank", relying on technically outranking them, instead of being superior people.
13. Women outearning men, including in situations where the man was just fired, results in her imploding the relationship.

Women are the r*ddit mods of gender. They cannot handle having the tiniest advantage of power over someone else. They'll instantly misuse it.