It's ironic, women have all the tools to be happy, but their own retardation gets in the way time and time again.
She could have a great husband who treats her well and looks alright, but he's not Chad, so she can't be happy. She would rather waste her 20s chasing the 0.0001% chance of getting with a possibly abusive Chad, than to be with a sub8. She'd rather that than be with you.
She could get a mountain of compliments from men and other women, but none of them are Chad, so they don't count. Only a woman could be insecure despite being constantly praised and complimented.
In fact, if a sub8 man approves of an insecurity she has, she will be hostile, instead of appreciative. Like a man telling a woman to not worry so much about having small boobs, cause some men, like him, actually prefer them small. Saw that exact scenario many times over the years. She doesn't care about what men like, she only cares about what Chad likes. The other men aren't even human beings to her.
It's like a starving person who refuses to eat anything other than 5-star dishes. It's like women ENJOY being unhappy and in a bad situation.