Occasionally I'll come across a post about a man giving advice regarding relationships and sex, and they always say shit like "She comes before, during, and after.". It's always this genocentric hyperfocus on what benefits her. They never even mention when it's the man's time to finish, there's always this "Eh, sort yourself out at some point, who cares." attitude about it. Complete simpery. It's like it's assumed that the man technically being with a woman is his reward. You do all the work, and she "lets" you keep the title of bf\gf. Great.
So not only does the whole relationship revolve around her, and not only does the man need to do all the work to "court" her, when the time finally comes for him to get something for himself, joke's on him, sex is for the woman's benefit too.
It's the equivalent of going to work, doing overtime, and then paying your boss for the privilege. All so you can brag that you technically have a job.
I'm tired of this mentality where men are expected to have double responsibility and basically babysit their gf. Gotta manage her emotional state, her happiness, her pleasure, what she's thinking, etc., and what never ever comes up is what the man gets out of all of this.