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thumbnail of AM.mp4
AM mp4
(8.26 MB, 972x720 h264)
Come on Cewl, it's that one song, it's like a bar song, country-ish, one of the lines is something about not knowing where I sit between the vegans and the nihilists.
Don't dick me here.
Yeah, I didn't want her to do everything for me. Lovingbombing someone is actually pretty abusive in it's own right.(especially when that person just wanted some casual drama free fun)

The fucked up thing is had she not "outted me as a pedro" and repeatedly ran her mouth when I came back and instead just accepted the apology and understood why I wanted space, I would have actually probably let myself be vulnerable with her.
Whether it's all a sick game to make some pathetic drug addict feel better about her pathetic life, or she's really just that emotionally unstable and untrustworthy, she proved that I was right to challenge her affection and push her away well giving her just a enough of my rope to hang herself with.