*sigh* Time to steal Cewls thunder again I guess ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
This is a black thing innit?
Fucking hell dude.... Just stop. Like I want to give you the benefit of the doubt, I want to believe you're as smart as you try to pretend to be, that you are a good sparring partner in this little game of dramaroma but every time you "go mask off" and show your hand it proves what an ignorant dipshit you are.

You know nothing of what me and Vore had. I'm pretty sure I didn't even really mention that I breed cockroaches with her, I might have mentioned my mourning geckos. Back than I wasn't as big into feeder insects because I didn't realize the real profit margins and just how low maintenance it could be to care for hundreds of thousands of cockroaches.

I won't lore dump my brief history with her but let's just leave it at, I don't hate her, or even dislike her, she just kinda urked me with how she acted and I probably annoyed her with my generally disrespectful attitude towards women. Her server sucked ass though lmao. Like I like drama and lolcows, but some edgy autist who shows off how he plays with his own shit, a skitzo black femcel, and a couple other tards controlling the chat most of the time doesn't exactly make for good entertainment.

I haven't really shit on Vore once. Frankly, I feel sorry for her. She was my friend, and well we don't exactly interact with each other I don't think we left things on a bad note. I know her life isn't in a great position, and I would be genuinely happy for her if she got her life in order.
What I call casual banter some people seem to see as a deeply personal attack.

Also, women like her love it when you compliment their bodies and joke about wanting more.
I mean... Just look at how stimulated Cewl gets when retards lament the fact he stopped sharing nudes. The man thing, it's a bit of an inside joke.
> I didn't
You and I know the truth there. Live with it.
There is a reason there, and I've explained it somewhere that is the shitstorm of a mess in these threads.
I'd prefer to just leave it open ended.
She didn't do anything to me. I don't have drama with her. She just kind of comes up sometimes and the few times we interacted on 4chan since we stopped hanging out have been fairly respectful.(by my standards)