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I'd say that i dun goofed there but I actually don't have it set to where I live so i think I'm in the clear.
That was a good catch on your end though.
> I might contact vore
Don't bother her on my behalf please. She really won't have anything to tell you other than fairly mundane and insignificant shit.
Since I know you enjoy stalking me... Sorry, documenting me. As an act of good faith I'll give you this and request that you don't bother Vore, she doesn't need to deal with my bullshtit, she has enough on her plate as is.

Vore, or Erov, seriously reminded me of a girl that used to be my best friend from the point I was 16 to 20. Her name was Kate. We talked all day every day, we told each other everything. When she told me she loved me, I didn't say be careful like I did with Cewl, I didn't just casually tell her I told her I loved her too like i do with most girls. Erov told me she loved me once, perhaps she meant it, perhaps she meant it was just to manipulate me, but when she said it, I responded in a very timid manner, I was like a deer in headlights, that scared little kid inside me came out. I just told her "I... love you too..."
Vore reminded me of Kate in a lot of ways and that was exactly how I responded to Kate the first time she told me she loved me. 

I hate kate so much for what she did to me, and honestly, Kate is a big part of why I treat emotionally destructive women as aggressively as I do. Perhaps not as much as my mother, but a very large part of it regardless.

Truth be told, part of me really wanted to become besties with Vore, I didn't care if it was fwb or not. Just her aura, her energy, the cynicism, the casual and apathetic cries for help, the tears behind the smile.... She was a lot like a 30 year old Kate. And as much as part of me wanted to just embrace her as my new bestfriend and see what wild and whacky adventures we could get into, I knew better. I knew that I needed to bail on her, and I did shit to push her away myself, I acted in a way she'd find unpleasant, I did what I had to and when she did the same I bailed.
Kind of like how I did a few things to push Cewl away when she got too motherly and lovebomby for my liking.

The long and the short of it is, Kate is actually a real person, I've left enough of a trail that you could possibly find her.
If you can find Kate, you would know EVERYTHING about me.
I never told Vore about Kate, why would I? That'd be weird to just throw on a woman you kind of like.
"Hey Vore. i like you, and I know you're like married and going through a lot right now but you really remind me of my high school sweetheart. You wanna go do stupid shit and bring out the worst in each other but love every second of it?"

You can choose to believe Kate was my first real love, or that this is just another bullshit fake backstory intended to get you to go on a snipe hunt.
Good luck in your hunt for the truth friend.