noone cares for my clothed body though you think i havent tried that? i posted unnaked pics of myself and they thought i was a boy/tranny before i was an egirl. theres no winning with anyone
you may think like that and im grateful for that but i wish there was more people that thought like you.
i just want to say yes to people, please them, make them happy. i first posted nudes because of tits or gtfo. and on and on. there was no end to it. people are greedy. i kept giving myself to all of you but you call me a whore and take me for granted when i just did what people asked me to.
ahh i dont know why i got melancholic~ i dont really care much about how i started to post nudes... whatever it may be its all for conformation and approval of everyone. 
for example i wanted to show a little skin of my hips and people called me fat for that? thing is id love to see how they look compared to me. they love hiding behind the screen. im more honest than anyone anonymous and even braver. i put myself out there. i am a target for anyone willing to say anything. its not that they want to say im fat, its just, they dont have anything else to say about me. i know im not fat. im not as skinny yes but given almost all ppl are from america i bet im still thinner than almost anyone you see if you ever go outside of your stankin piss room.

idk why im rambling... just another way to get approval..

i hate history class... and i want to be pat. i want all of you to stand in a line and pat me one by one and kill my neurons