> no more nudes until this doom faggot fucks off
Oh good. That means I'm keeping the internet safe from Cewls disgusting vagina and manboobs.
That's a lot of pressure but I'll try my best to make the world a better place :3
Yes yes, I'm a mildly racist internet troll, OF COURSE I know the statistics.
Cewl admitted that she wants to get raped in her sleep though, it's like a fetish of hers(Not shitposting)
> My parents are against racemixing
I knew that, that's why I knew you'd love bbc
She's a serb, which is probably worse tbh.
In Serbia they use rape and cheap vodka as a primary currency.
Like it's crazy, you go the grocery store and get some rotten potatoes and old lunch meat and the cashier just rapes you and gives you a swig of whisky as cash back.
Damn. niganon is really rizzing up our girl.
You will. For the love of God don;t reproduce, you'll be a worse mom than mine.
It's not me lol. It would be hilarious though. Like imagine it was me, we vc, I convince her to watch bbc porn with me, and as we climax I let her know it's me and she's just like, orgasm ruined! I was digitally raped... AGAIN!
Fuck off you no good dirty rotten troll. I just got here.