> Oh good. That means I'm keeping the internet safe from Cewls disgusting vagina and manboobs.
Blud's gonna stop you all from prime fapping material. y'allst folx goan take that?
> Cewl admitted that she wants to get raped in her sleep though
This I can do, but I'm not gonna try to be sneaky. She'd better sleep naked so I can slip my dick in her as fast as I can.
> I knew that, that's why I knew you'd love bbc
Idk, man. She seems to respect her parent's wishes. No racemixing for her. 
> For the love of God don;t reproduce, you'll be a worse mom than mine.
Damn nigga lmao 
> nd as we climax I let her know it's me and she's just like, orgasm ruined! I was digitally raped
Have her thinking she's beating off watching bbc porn with a nigga. lol!