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Wut? I wasn't doing a bit when I was friends with either of them.
I've given multiple contradicting stories of what happened with Puka and will do the same if Vore keeps getting brought up. Half for fun, half cuz it's none of your business.
At the end of the day Vore and Puka were just friends of mine. I obviously felt protective of Puka, it's not what you want to think it was.
> I know what happens next
Glad you know me so well <3

It's just that she was a Vietnam vet like my dad who died a few years ago. Even lost her leg to a sniper round and infection.
Being around Vore was like being around my dad again. She had the mouth of a sailor and hated Asians. I felt very comfortable with her and she was pretty motherly to me(Cewl didn't earn that privilege like Vore did) We got along super well, but she ended up calling me pathetic and telling me to kill myself before blocking me when she learned I drive a Mitsubishi.

I'm still mad about it.