thumbnail of perhaps it was all a dream.png
thumbnail of perhaps it was all a dream.png
perhaps it was all a... png
(116.3 KB, 3519x417)
stop with the fake retard speak. Say that once more without the dick in your ear.
Why? I get all the validation and attention I want here.
I love being a hemorrhoid on Cewls asshole.
it's painfully obvious who is being referenced.  >>/113592/ is really doing his/her due diligence looking into my extended lore.
They chose to pretend this other e-girl in question is some big reveal so I'm going with it.
Maybe  >>/113596/ was an honest lore dump and me throwing A+ a bone, or maybe it's to hide the fact that we had something else.

Hell, I might have some incredibly rare and sought after nudes from a notoriously selective e-girl that is rumored to only share her nudes with a select few despite many men goinbg bananas over her.
That's the fun with your boy Doom, you never truly know when I'm being real or just taking the piss.