I haven't been hating on your personally, but as I keep saying, I don't care. You will never be my actual girlfriend, I'll never meet you in person, we'll never have children, so all that you do is meaningless to me. I just like the idea of interacting with an e-girls after seeing archived threads of old-fags having fun with the previous cast of girls like Sunny and Ciara. It's like I'm an anon that missed out on an important part of being on a Chan. I don't have any delusions, though. I refuse to seriously turn this into a parasocial relationship. This is just for fun and always will be. 
As for them hating on people who are "defending" you, tell them to stop talking to us crazy and maybe the heat will die a little. Talk to me crazy, I'm talking to you crazy back. Also, anons aren't going to respect guys who come off as Captain Save-a-Hoe. No one, even the incelest of incels, will respect a guy like that. So even if they defended you without talking down to us, anons would still push their wig back.