That's a real bummer man. I can't imagine losing your father because someone fucked up.
I lost my kid and a couple of my exs offed themselves, but that is like comparing apples to oranges.
Well, that's all too humanizing and this is a skitzo/shitposting board so my headcanon is that your dad got super aids from a hooker(white or Asian) and that's what killed him but the doctor was white and your family saw a way to make it into a race thing and win the ghetto lottery.
< 3

Yeah, I was friends with her, and there was a point we were basically e-dating. She's pretty messed up, but honestly, the way she treats others quickly makes you realize she doesn't deserve pity.
But like... Dude, she posts nudes on an anonymous website for clout and validation. She's white, willing to experiment, a people pleaser, obvious daddy issues. Did you really believe she's not willing to burn some coal for the raceplay factor?

"I wanna watch some nigger cocks fucking white pussies"
Ok. I'm going to come clean. Last night, that ENTIRE thing was me. It was intended to plant the idea that I was going to sell Cewls videos she sent me so she'd leak them herself.
The fact that a vid got leaked leads me to believe that I got under someone's skin.

Did you really believe I was drunk and in a bad headspace? Cewl did. :3
It's been a good minute since I injected any real drama into a Cewl thread and I just wanted to mix things up.