> Man, I just want to give her SOME benefit of the doubt
I'd roll up a newspaper and whap you with it, but I did the exact same thing at first too.
You're a fool, but aren't we all?

I'm going to teach you an important thing here about every e-girl that thinks that the fact that desperate losers want to masturbate to images of her crotch is actually significant and makes her some kind of celebrity well still trying to present herself as not a whore.

They're all complete degenerates. If you approach them in the right way, and turn to key to their lock so to speak, they're willing to try ANYTHING, not really for you, but because they're actually interested and you are little more than a means to not take accountability for their degeneracy.
If a girl is white and mentally ill like Cewl and she likes you and you proposition the offer for her check out some stuff that isn't socially acceptable she'll be down. if she REALLY likes you, she'll even let you know what she's secretly into.
If it comes to light she knows she can throw you under the bus.

if you were in her DMs and tickled her fancy, she'd do anything with you and hate you for it later.