> incredibly toxic woman does evil shit
> sits there and runs her mouth about what an evil pdf you are non-stop
> "A real man would just take it"
Ok,  if you actually feel that you you should genuinely kill yourself. That attitude that men should just tolerate abusive is why women are able to get away with so much bullshit in modern society.
Women that do that shit need to have their noses rubbed in it and told "NO! WE DON'T DO THAT! BAD!" Which is exactly what I did. I destroyed Cewls public image, I got her to fuck off, and when she came back I psyoped her into getting herself banned by acting like I was going to leak her vids so she would go ahead and do it and attempt to frame me.

I broke her, she learned the hard way to just not be a turbo cunt whenever she sees someone she can hurt. We need more Dooms, unreasonable and abusive spastics who will go tit for tat with degenerates like Cewl and less anons like you who will enable them.

They's is nicer legs than what you've got lmao.
People still haven't figured out that Cyanidical was just an alt I made for Cewl? I wasn't going to add someone like her on my main account. I enjoy my privacy.
But yes, I actually am fairly social online and don't even act like a complete retard outside of here and 4chan.
> wanting to love a girl
You know that when you fall in love with a girl you fall in love with every man she's ever been in love with, right? That's pretty gay mate.
Atleast when I go balls deep in a girl I can wipe the other mans cum off my dick.