I knew the liability I was taking on by letting her into my life.
Had she not proven my concerns to be merited I would have eventually added her on my main account and possibly invited her into my server and introduced her to some of my friends.

It's not a bad idea to keep your friend groups separate. All it takes is one worthless mother fucker to start shit with you or someone else in your group for things to fall apart completely.
The only reason I have a tight knit inner circle is because I do what I have to keep it safe and my friends know I take care of my own.

The fact I told her about my and Pukas friendship really was a test, she failed horribly.
Her fate was pretty much sealed there.
No real end goal. Cewl just did some really heinous shit and played the victim well trying to take things as far as she could for her own sick thrills. I just returned the favor and happen to be better at it than her.

All this really was is a draaatic chess game for me. There was a moral lesson to be learned, but really it was all just for teh lulz.