No proof on hand but my own word. I was/am the type of guy that makes friends with women pretty easily (usually without being attracted to them fwiw) and they trust me so a decent amount of them would mention it every so often when talking about guys they were seeing. Still wasn't anywhere near the majority of them but enough to let me know there's no shortage of women like that, just like how men who like small tits (me) aren't the majority but there's still enough of them. Good point about the fat dudes being tall, they probably were, tho the women I've known to prefer short guys seemed to like em a little chubby. Not full on fat though. I don't think women in general get off on highly specific male features honestly, it seems like it's always about more broad things. Height instead of long limbs, fatness instead of moobs/gut, etc. Whereas men are more likely to hone in on specific body parts and clothing items and features.
These women were NOT trying to avoid seeming shallow lmao, they were still women, they just happened to like men who weren't stereotypical chads. They weren't ugly either, but they were all dorky in one way or another which def had a role in shaping their tastes I guess.
> in men, their first gf often deeply affects his taste in women but I find it hard to believe it happens with women
I remember reading about some studies done that disproved the idea that parents shape someone's taste in the opposite sex and that the most influential thing is your first crush/love/gf/bf/whatever. I can't find it rn but I'll keep trying to look.