> discount nihilist
Fair assessment of my attitude and behavior.
> trying to get you to leak stuff
I don't even care. I know exactly how Cewl is when she's super fucked up, but according to her that's not real(It was).

Here's the thing, Cewl is a mentally ill deeply traumatized decently attractive young woman, she's naïve, kind of stupid, and very emotionally unstable. She's going to do dumb shit and her emotions towards men(including you) are going to be finicky. She is 100% the type to fall in and out of love in as little as a few days and she's still pampered enough to not fully grasp or care about the consequences of her selfish and often times malicious behavior.(Seriously, in her mind I did everything for no other reason than I'm insane)

You enjoyed sadistically throwing the fact that I wasn't special to her in my face like I don't understand these things but like.... Why do you think you're special? You're like a fucking lapdog to her. She knows she can count on you but the point that you start being high maintenance and difficult she's going to consider getting rid of you and replacing you with another little lapdoggy that is more fun and lower maintenance well still obeying her every command and keeping her "safe".
What you're doing now is just repeatedly shitting on the rug to assert dominance and it's going to go extremely poorly for you, I assure you.

Men like me aren't exactly one of a kind but men like you are a dime a dozen. If you're actually pining over her, my best advice I can give you is to just move on. It's over.
She don't love you anymore than she loves me at this point. I'm sure you two had a good run, and I'm sorry you had to figure this out the way you did, but yeah, women are kinda bitches man, grow up and stop thinking you can protect someone like Cewl from herself.
Better luck next time.