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Yes yes. I'm a mature and functional adult underneath all the layers of bullshit. Thanks for noticing <3
Go reread your previous posts aimed at her.
man to man here, I'm the last person to white knight for Cewl, but dude... you're being a fucking spastic and probably putting her in a worse headspace with your public shenanigans in her thread.
If you actually care about her than leave her alone, let her have her space, maybe try talking to her on a later date if she doesn't end up approaching you if you see fit.

You know I cared about a certain someone and what happened between me and her fucked me up inside, ngl... But here's the thing, I dealt with it. Like yeah, it gets old having trolls say I'm a pedro over the fact I actually gave a shit about someone who reminded me of a younger version of my self, but I run with it, because the show must go on.(Insert that painting of the brooding jester here).
It sucks when people just assume the worst about you, and nobody even wants to entertain the idea that you really were just trying to do the right thing when you were... But that's life man. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I don't think you're going to win with Cewl, I just don't see it working out for her in general. She's pretty broken and unsalvageable. And just like with me and Puka, it can be really painful to acknowledge someone may be a lost cause, and own the fact that you fucked up whatever you had with that person (ironically we were both trying to protect the person we cared about but took shit too far), but that's just life my guy.
Hopefully people give you less shit about it than I've gotten over Puka.

For the record, if I knew Cewl had a boyfriend or whatever it is you were/are to her, I wouldn't have bothered trying to be her fwb in the first place.
It's been fun sparring with you though...