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Nobody gives a fuck about you, I'm drunk enough that posting here is a really bad idea because I might show some genuine humanity or something...
But I'm here.
Mostly cause my friends are all sleeping and I'm bored and like i said, love, hate, horniess, sadism, whatever it is we share is endlessly entertaining to me, and to you <3
You've got my discord, like my actual discord, not just an alt.
You should stop being a mindless retard and readd me and just talk...
I almost miss our chill convos, you were pretty unique before you got all psycho on me and opened a can of worms you were not equipt to deal with :P.
Hell, maybe we just catch up, maybe in a moment of weakness you get me to confess to some freaky shit that make me look bad and you look like the victim, maybe we just call each other cuh like nignogs and act retarded till one of of us gets annoyed and cuts things off. What have you got to lose?
Your self respect? You lost that a long time ago lmao.
c'mon. I'm bored n st00f
This is the cloest you're going to get to something genuine or human from me publicly ^.^