lmao, just stop dude, ur just embarassing urself here
tbh, I just wanted to chit chat with her. Whether it turned into us flinging shit or having a genuinely chill convo, doesn't matter.
She was kind of a last resort till I started rizzing up that lesbian so hard she questioned her sexuality for a whole 2 thirds of a second for me :3
Just as well, me and Cewl seem like we're destined to do this for a while. Every time I start getting bored she finds a way to drag me back in and I won't lie, I love the theatrics here.
I just think it would be cool if we could have a direct channel to each other that wasn't just for mindlessly flinging shit.
If I was that desperate I would have just sent her a fr or even made an alt and pretended I'm not me.
Quiet bitch, you know you love it when I digitally rape you <3
Any time I was drinking and puka was and me were chilling I'd know when I was starting to get tipsy and tell her i was getting buzzed and we should probably just call it a night and that was about the extent of it. I think I got drunk a grand total of like 4 times well we friends.
I mean, there is this one really embarrassing voice clip of me... I don't even remember what the hell I was talking about but than I'm just like "Oh shit. I love this part! and quoted the song I was I was listening to, or more so they were just spoken lines in a song, and then did the guitar notes like a fucken dork.
There was none of pic related, disappointing, I know.
bleach drink now faggot.