That checks out. You claim this is all for teh lulz, but you actively do things to make these monkey shines less funny and ll ouu cringey hckerman persona makes us all laugh, it kind of detracts from the comedy and just adds more absurdism.
Maybe in a way you're keeping things fresh, bu. I'm still mildly hungover(thanks a lot Obama!)and it's too early to want to psychoanalyze your behavior and desect it and see how well it fits into this little shitshow of ours.
So I'm just gunna call you a gay dumb homoo who likes having sex with men, like lots of men. Like you just want to be covered in seaman, mostly that of men, but you'd be happy being covered in that of horses and dogs and perhaps even a camel named Humphrey.
> inbrprojection

Anyway, my coffee is done, my breakfast is ate, and I got choirs I gotta do. I'd love to continue this little pising match, but I ain't got time to out cringe the delle cuck.
Take care mate, I'll cya around.