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Oh trust me, some part of me would love to hit up Puka and just try to get closure but after the accusations, and what I found out about her after the fact, I know that hitting her up would objectively be one of the most retarded things I could do on so many levels.
There is no cathartic ending there.
She was my friend and now she's not. that's where things are, and that's where they need to stay for her sake and mine.

Hey, I do enjoy fucking around with you faggots, but something kind of serious happened in my personal life and it has me feeling pretty vulnerable right now and I really do enjoy the nonsensical bullshit we have here, you're all great, except for Cewl, she are a Kunt, grr!(jk, Cewl is great too), but I think I'm going to need a little bit of time to process this situation.
Don't worry, I'll be back with a vengeance when the time is right.
Feel free to talk your shit.
I love faggots, take care of yourselves.