I have access to powerful firearms, if I wanted to die I'd be dead.
Just sayin. It's not that kind of "something"
Look, I don't want to deal with this shit right now. Sorry, just not in the right mood to play a character and do the whole toxic banter thing with you guys.

I don't care if I beat the accusations. I know it's a really bad look and obviously I cared about her a whole hell of a lot and things ended poorly.
I'm never going to give you cock hungry homosaurous rexes the answers you want.
I know what really happened, she knows what really happened, and if you haven't noticed I'm not exactly trying to make myself look like the good guy here... Quite the opposite really.

If you choose to believe I was grooming her go for it.

I'm just going to po int out that it's pretty obvious this is most likely some Truman show shit.

The first real realization was when Cewl asked me what type of car I drive and I said I didn't want to say and she asked again in that way that a BPD retard who knows they're starting shit and thinks they're smart does. It wasn't real curiosity.
Really didn't want to break the fourth wall that hard, but meh. You fuckers like to take shit too far and like to kick people when they're down, but I suppose that's the name of the game.
It's been fun.