(laughs in German)
Why is the word doom significant? Does it have something to do with me?
I nuked my discord when I was depresso espresso over my friend being all corpsey and stuff and also the one friend I really talk to bailing on me the one time I really needed the support.

That being said, loving me is a special kind of hell.
I had an incel friend describe me once and I rolled my eyes but thought about it later and I mean, I guess so.
"You're like a playful puppy that is fun and exciting, but you're also like an old injured gaurd dog that you can pity but also feel like you're good for supporting well also making you feel safe."

So like, if poor boundaries with a worn out old man who used to be cool(I was never cool) and the odds being that I bail on you at the first sign of trouble sounds like something you'd enjoy, than bow wow :3
jesus man, coming from me this is precious, I'm aware but just leave these women the fuck alone and let me live their lives and make their own mistakes and learn from them.
You literally are the worst kind of simp.