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thumbnail of smile more.png
smile more png
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Also I wanna point out the multiple layers of things happening in pics like these
1. First of all, the whole thing is just an excuse for her to post a pic of herself, so it's all just attention whoring. None of it actually matters.
2. It's a made up scenario, which shows how easily women lie, as well as how they fabricate these stories in their head to feel like victims. What we see in these posts is just those thoughts spilling out into the outside world.
3. The claim of men telling women to "smile more" is in itself made up. It's all a strawman. Women have such coddled lives that they literally fantasize about having problems and being oppressed. You can tell it's made up because it's a buzzword. All feminist types do is parrot buzzwords, really.
4. The complaint about "being told to smile more" is a non-issue, even if it were real. It's utterly harmless. Women just shoehorn terms like "backhanded, belittling, patronizing, condescending, dismissive, invalidating, etc." to make it seem worse. Notice how they always struggle to come up with explanations on why it's bad.
5. She's just copying what (she strawmans) men say, and flipping the genders, with zero originality. Women do this A LOT, the extend of their comebacks 99% of the time seems to be a "no u", I'm not exaggerating. (Which also shows their lack of mental development.)
6. Even with all this, in a claim that's 100% in the woman's control to make up, she's still being stupid. Even in women's made up fantasy scenarios, they're still retarded. Even if this did 100% happen, the man would just take it as a compliment, so her attempt to attack him would do nothing.
7. On top of that, even the man in her imagined story doesn't matter, as the post is about her, and her "girlboss" level retort. Even in a scenario where the woman holds 100% creative control, she STILL comes across as narcissistic LMAO.