Women's fucking VOICES aren't even real. they're all manipulated.
Pause to think about how fucking insane this is for a moment.
Never mind their words - their fucking  VOICE is fake. Women, in their life, have decided to learn how to modify their speech to better manipulate others. They actively change the way they speak in order to get more social benefits.
> Weak voice. (To trigger protective instincts.)
> Vocal fry. (They think this is "hot girl shit".)
> Pronounced S sounds. (See above.)
> Passive tone. (Plausible deniability.)
> The "Xanax tone". (women think that sounding bored makes you cooler than others.)
> Voice almost breaking as she speaks. (Again, to trigger protective instincts.)
> Sounding like she's about to cry at any moment. (See above.)
Not to fucking mention all the gestures and constant preening they've learned to do, and the mountains of lies to cover all of it up.
It's all fucking fake.