Because that's not what she actually looks like. That's from when she was HEAVILY filtering and editing her pics. She still does, but not as much lately. Her lips aren't actually that big, as you can see in candids and the OP image and other recent pics that don't have so much editing. She stopped doing the forced pufferfish pout that made them look bigger, too, thank god. That face made her look so fucking bad:  >>/116772/

Bee, if you're reading this, I have been a hater but I support your recent looks. You look so much better and it's definitely healthier for you to ditch the editing and try to work on your appearance by eating right and taking care of your skin. Ditching the bangs makes you look a lot better too because it balances out your face. And I know you think dark circles make you look like a classic qt chan girl, but you look much better with a full night's rest and some makeup on them. Sometimes it feels like you've tried to nerf your looks to appear more homely to appeal to the whole autistic egirl idea but you look better than ever now that you're softcore looksmaxxing and learning what works for you. 

With that aside, I still don't like you. If you ditch the pedro pandering and get a therapist I probably would.