I'm still around. I just really don't care enough to fuck with Cewl anymore.
It was fun, but the crusade got old and tricking her is childs play. My theory is that she knowingly walked into every trap I set because she just wanted the drama... I mean, she can't REALLY be that stupid, can she?

Ironically, the most sadistic thing I can do to her is to just bail on her.

Anyway, let's blog.

As for me, I'm doing great. 
My irl gf-type situation has been getting annoying. She's like bipolar as shit and sometimes gets really needy but she cooks for me and that's always nice. I'd break it off but tbh, it's not that bad and the dating market is a fucking joke in your 30s and that's only compounded with the modern social climate. 
ProTip: Slightly older women are prime real estate if you want a relationship you can just not have to maintain at all.

Had to ditch the family member I was trying to help, he's psychotic and bites the hand that feeds too much.
Nuff said

The business is gettin pretty stagnant, most of my newts haven't started laying yet, and that's pretty concerning, but I've been making a killing on the stock market, so that's nice.

I've managed to form another more dangerous persona and have actually gone from 4 of the FBIs most dangerous pedrophiles to 5 but the weird thing is that they claim to have captured two of my personas which has left me and my thousands upon thousands of victims all scratching our heads.

Anyway, hope you're all doing well.
Cewl, you and your little friend are far worse ppl than me and my ilk. I'm not even going to bother trying to disprove anything you say.
You know the truth, I know the truth, and we both know you're full of shit.