Look at this pragmatically.
Why would I leak one of Cewls videos? What do I get out of it?

I humiliate Cewl?
She posts her nudes all the time.

I get a sense of power?
I've stated many times that by not leaking the vid I ironically have more power over the coomers.
For what? Entertaining me with our silly internet slapfight?
Also, it's not very good revenge.

I even had said beforehand to friends in dm that I wanted to get her to leak the video herself. That was my goal.
Getting her to do it herself is funny, there is a sense of karma, and a bamboozling factor.

Leaking her vid is the equivalent of a comedian running up to someone, tickling them, and saying "haha! Made you laugh!" with my goal in mind.

I like to think that I'm a little more elegant than that. I'm a menace and kind of fucked up, but I'm not just a bully.