Marky Jane Thompson from Rhode Island is a severely mentally ill bipolar/borderline disorder having psychopath-lite. She uses and exploits anyone and everyone that has the absolute terrible misfortune of being subjected to her sad, sad existence for her own benefit/entertainment. She has extremely embarrassing episodes of rage, suicidal thoughts, crying, self pity, abandoning and ditching people at complete random, getting drunk off her ass and cheating on her own bfs.

She willingly sent nudes publicly, was Sam Hyde's sex slave, and abused various drugs when she was a teenager. They start 'em young these days.

She is highly manipulative, a pathological liar and has BPD mental breakdowns. People who have known her have said she makes sudden out of the blue, impulsive, bad decisions very often. She's also dated multiple allegedly abusive psycho guys, most of them from 4chan, because she's a disgusting masochistic e-whore. Hence why she loved getting fucked in the ass and punched by Sam Hyde.

My only hope is that someone puts this poor thing out of her misery. Or it. Calling her an 'it' is pretty fitting, really.