Every fucking time I hear someone say shit like
> You both need to X
> This isn't gender specific\a gender thing\gender issue\woman thing\female exclusive thing
> Blame game\blame war
> Both genders
> Everyone
> People
> Men and women both
> Humans\humanity
> Both sides
> They deserve each other
> That's not exclusive to women
> Dating sucks right now
> Equally
> Some do it, some don't
> I know men who have done this
> This is a people thing
> Exclusively
It's extremely obvious that the woman is at fault in the situation, but the person can't blame only women due to gynocentric retardation, so they blame both. Of course, when it comes to blaming men, they're perfectly fine with singling out just the men.
This happens with positive things too. If someone says something positive about men, you'll hear shit like
> Same for women