> you were a pawn
God you talk like such a fag. Yes, I'm aware, that's why I wanted to talk to Cewl without you in the picture. The fact of the matter is she let you tell her what to do, and we all made our choices.
I had fun, I'm a bit of a sociopath myself, granted I 'm not a complete sociopath and have some kind of moral compass, not much of one but still.

Btw, I talked to Vore, she told me what happened. That's pretty pathetic lmao.
Did you really offer to pay? Also, I did warn her about you. I actually give a fuck about my friends and all the theatrics and larps aside she never really did anything to wrong me other than be kind of a flakey bitch.
I won't say much more othert than it was a really pleasant reunion. Doubt it'll go anywhere.
I'm going to add you accept the request, I promise this is relevant.