In fairness, I am an attention whore and I know a lot of the anons here are literally just here to simp and masturbate but they fail to see that a lot of us are here for the drama, whether to witness it or take part and legitamately hate my teatrics.
Part of the reason i continue is because it makes pathetic assholes seethe and also because it's just fucking fun to throw yourself face first into that brickwall we all call the internet.

I like how people can't tell when I'm being sincere and when I'm just trolling. Right now I am fanning the flames and have been working behind the scenes to figure some things out about Delle and warn individuals of interest about him, but Cewl wants to be headstrong, and hey, I can't blame her. From her perspective I'm just as bad as Delle but hey, can't ask for self awareness from Cewl. She's *takes off sunglasses* Too cewl for that.
My favorite conspiracy theory is that Puka is a spy for the CCP and Cewl is her handler. Delle is obviously Xi Xin Ping, and the only reason he's able to doxx Cewl so well as to figure out the exact Country she's from is because he works with interdimensional demons and the CEO of Microsoft(who is a reptilian vampire)