That's it Cewl. if you won't add me and let me control you and dominate you and all that I'm going to drop the real Doxx like an actual real professional hackerman and show you how it's done.

(•益´•)(//◉_◉//)(ꈍoꈍ✿) Cewl (ꈍoꈍ✿)(//◉_◉//)(•益´•)

Real name: Mah'baby Cewlio
Sex: Yes, with me all the time
Sexual preference: black
Bra size: 33 B
Vagina status: Wet for Doom
Country of origin: Serbia(really, that one was spot on. Well done Delle)
Current location:
iq: 81(Just above the line of retardation)
College: likely to drop out soon
DOC: Heroiun, xanax, Doom

(ᕗ ͠° ਊ ͠° )ᕗ         Only you could have prevented this forest Fire Cewl. You were warned.	(̿▀̿ ̿Ĺ̯̿̿▀̿ ̿)̄