I'm God.
Crash Dummy toys are awesome.
And I mean God the father, not the son.

Btw plot hole, ya cant kill someone perfect. Can't even be given the opportunity.
But actually, the wicked who love lying would've been playing out the lie of it, while having never got a single drop of that blood they saught.

They've even been lying that they've had it, and this is my forth life now, after three of them denied.
They denied me this forth time too.

Now, another word for wicked luke-warm is just, really fucking dumb, as in, they've been piling up a mountain of a gas stations stock in the middle of the store, from being condemned. Even with a flowing river of "customers", they have.

It's in the way.
There's its stock room separate from it, a few steps away.

Wtf even tho.
And there's a back door to the building, with a straight path to it directly behind where the delivery truck parks.


Btw, this existence has not held up.
Its changed like the matrix now.

Unreal Tournament - SuperFist song.
Has the lead guitar from as soon as the song begins. Like UT2004.

This has changed EVERYWHERE, to be missing the lead guitar in the intro. Just changed a week or so ago.