I noticed this poster was posting here the same time Donut was posting in her thread claiming she wasn’t posting in others which is hard to believe.
You are definitely Donut because this was the same thing you were saying on Discord.
I mean one you have no proof that whichever post here is her and that she “checks here 24/7”, but you definitely do considering how fast you openly reply to your own thread and admit to obsessing over other girls threads. You’re just schizo posting believing which ever posts here are whoever you want them to be. And two those things combined aren't cheap together and returnable. It would be an extremely wasteful larp. Also you never addressed how it’s stupid for anyone to post sensitive things on image boards such as these and affiliated discords. Notice how every other person who has kids in these groups is reluctant to over share in regards to them as well. She literally gets nothing out of posting good enough proof and in reality where she’s interacting with people no one is asking for it.