Agatha, I'm going to tell you a little about my story so you can get to know me better. My male ancestors were terrorists and served in the army too. They were evangelical Christian men, very manly, very heterosexual, very macho, true men. They have survived serious conflicts, and of course I am also a very heterosexual man. Thanks to my ancestors I learned good teachings and values, and seeing you in that photo near that transvestite makes me laugh a lot. That transvestite is not even good for the army. Hahaha. I laugh Agatha because it really is a joke to see you near that transvestite. Did you ever think that he was a rival for me? Never. Seriously, Agatha. You need urgent Christian help. You need a real man like me, not that transvestite who is a joke of a person, just another joke in the bunch. >>/94715/