> I realize it wasn't you who posted the revenge porn
Oh shit. Is Cewl actually going to be an adult for once?
> The rest
damn it....
Cewl. I know I'm not innocent. I've ben trolling you too. Don't sit there and say it was all Delles idea. Bitch own it, you have fucking agency in your life.
You want me to fuck off? Like actually? Than stop talking shit like a fucking retard about things you know nothing about, and actually fucking apologize to me. Own your bullshit, maybe I'll own mine.
I like dogging you, you're fun to hurt, and seeing how fucking malicious and shitty you are makes it real easy to ignore my conscience when I know I'm fucking you up further. Maybe try to be better for once in your life instead of the mental gymnastics you go through to justify your shitty retardation, hmmm?
I tried being chill with you, I tried giving you a chance, and I got burned. You sat there and ran your mouth(Delles idea) for months about me. I gave you a choice, and you chose wrong.
Oh, and I did have something to do with your ban. Were you banned for begging advertising? :3