For those that got the Dropbox access before it for shared openly, you ruined a good thing.
From here I just want to make sure the little princess understands why this is necessary.
You're allowed to move on and date other people.
You're not allowed to do it while lying and being a piece of shit.
For those just looking for more spank material from this slut then just hang on.
She said on Dec. 14th that she's not the type of girl to move on quickly. Verifiable proof that she was being slutty before that date will net you an video of something inappropriate being placed somewhere inappropriate. Let me be clear, proof that she wasn't just posting but fucking around with dudes.
She said she's never streamed at ntrl's suggestion and never drank while doing anything that people could see.
Provide proof, you get the whole puke folder.
I see a lot of random comments in this thread from the turdbot that talks about her saying that she wasn't dating anyone.
This one is easy so you only get to see her choking til she cries.
Lastly, I commented about the comment about ki having esex with ntrl. I don't know why she would even try to lie about this and this one is tricky to prove but y'allst folx been surprising me.
Good lucky on y'allst folx's bounties.
Disc : holdtight9801