he was some weeb tranny named katelynn that met marky on /mu/. they fucked in a shed at marky's mother's house on drugs then became boyfriend and girlfriend even though she was supposedly still dating that andrei fella from Russia.
the first time I saw shed guy referred to as Katelynn and nekoshelf here was when marky posted weird cat videos on her youtube channel when she was deleting/trying to sell it and anons began saying nekoshelf bought it. I had seen the shed guy screen caps prior to this but I wasn't privy to the katelynn nekoshelf lore while other posters here seemed very in the know on his past and his relations with marky.
it's unknown what became of their relationship but anons have posted things in the past that suggest marky is still fond of him, listens to his music (scrobbled to her last.fm) and that they are still socially connected at a minimum.
Shed guy has his own drama from his /mu/ days involving some pedro friends of his and accusations of grooming from this chick named applecat