> She’s no saint but this is complete overkill especially for someone who never scammed or cheated anyone.
she's talked a lot of shit about her ppl/friends online and I wouldn't doubt that she has cheated and/or backstabbed her friends/past SO's etc... otherwise information about her wouldn't keep getting "leaked". Anyway, you seem to be projecting an awful lot. I don't want any sense of "control" over her, if she feels like someone on an anonymous image board has some sort of "control" over her, then it's her problem lol. You, yourself are on here, wouldn't that make you a "stalker" as well?
Nice try, but her boyfriend won't get doxxed, This picture cannot be reverse image searched, the only way he would be doxxed is if someone who knew him in real life recognised him on here. 

-- Just because you two(?*) are being annoying pseudo-chivalrous clowns, I decided I'm going to post her reddit account archive in about 30 minutes lol
(*Maybe it's one guy idk*)