The reasons she herself gives for being so vehemently anti-pornography, namely that it and the "industry" that produces it are "degrading and abusive" and perpetuate "violence and misogyny" against women, all seem like post-hoc rationalizations to justify things she already believed, but can't or doesn't want to accept her own reasoning for. Reading some of those posts, how neurotic and obsessive and extreme they are, how visceral her feelings of disgust are, it's hard not to get the impression that there's a religious, puritanical aspect to her views on pornography, along with what seems to be some degree of simple inesecurity and feelings of inadequacy. But it's as if she doesn't view this as legitimate or doesn't want to view herself in this way so she's constructed this "feminist" narrative to justify herself. It feels like an intellectualization of what are innate, deeply held, irrational feelings that she has. Very often people's stated reasons for their beliefs and actions are not their actual reasons, and they may not even be aware of this themselves, as it frequently operates on a subconscious level.

She may well be a "feminist" but some of the things she expresses, and the degree with which she's obsessed with this topic, go far beyond that. There are many things in this world that are unethical and harmful, but she has taken pornography as one of her primary, and most fervent, interests. Why? In one of her posts she states that she "nearly collapsed" and "could hardly speak" on finding out her boyfriend had viewed pornography; even for someone who views pornography as "unethical" this is an extreme reaction. At several points she expresses being triggered by the mere suggestion of sexuality, or even by completely innocuous things that she has somehow come to associate with pornography in her mind. She believes pornography is "everywhere". She feels extreme discomfort with her boyfriend even seeing any sort of nudity in a film; this ties back in with her feelings of inadequacy. The idea of her boyfriend seeing other women is unbearable to her, and she feels the need to ascribe a moral dimension to this. She imagines how he is "visually dismembering", objectifying, these women in his mind's eye. She imputes bad motives onto him with little justification; they exist, have been conjured up, almost entirely in her own head. For her, for him simply to see another woman is immoral. It seems a lot like she's projecting her own sexual neuroses and guilt onto others and, by criticizing, by castigating them so vociferously and harshly, she is, in a way, beatifying herself, and expiating, as it were, her own "sins", so to speak. It's as if she has a desperate need to convince herself of her own moral rectitude and purity and to accomplish this she needs for others to be immoral and impure for her to react against.

I also get the sense that a lot of her views may be rooted in a generalized misandy which is itelf likely born from the internalized misogyny that she feels. Many of the "misogynistic" views and thought processes she attributes to men regarding women don't actually exist in the male mind; they are her own creations, her own feelings, her own ways of thinking. But she projects these onto men nonetheless and as such many of her posts evince a thinly veiled disdain for men in general which is hard not to pick up on. It seems that, to her, there is inherently something "wrong" or "immoral" about male sexuality that needs to be suppressed or "corrected", and this is largely due to the "misogynistic" views that she herself has imputed onto them, and which are really her own.

By the way, when I said that she had a sort of female version of a madonna-whore complex, I didn't mean that she wanted to keep women pure; I was, rather, referring to the fact that she views men who have viewed pornography at any point to be permanently "tainted" in some way.