Youre completely right. It goes much beyond simply being a feminist or thinking pornography is exploitation for her. Her posts come off batshit insane, she seems like she was even abusive in one of her relationships due to her obsessions and insecurity. She posted about how she forced her boyfriend to give his laptop, hard drives, all for her to look at every single thing he does to make sure he's not lying and doesnt have porn. And she said she found nothing. If that type of control in a relationship were exerted toward to a woman, people would be screaming abuse. Then in another post she even admits to watching lesbian porn but since it was a "compulsion" apart of her condition shes somehow exempt from participating in the exploitation? Many of her porn issues start with things about being insecure, the women being someone other than her, it bothering her that her boyfriend would look at porn instead of her own nudes, etc. Then she turns it into some type of feminist positioning meanwhile her other posts are about her "body dysmorphic disorder", how she starves herself, and how mentally ill and insecure she is. She's just a self hating hypocrtical wackjob. And she can't hide it anymore.