> NTA, but it happens to men too.
Of course it does. And when men are the victim, they should protect themselves and leave the relationship too. The solution is the exact same regardless of gender.
> Could be that she's damaged and dumb in ways that she can't judge these things properly.
Maybe, probably.
Honestly, I've seen so many cases of "abuse victims" being utter piece of shit people, that it's very hard to be sympathetic. They always follow the exact fucking same pattern.
They always go out of their way to pick the abusive man, refuse to leave, continuously act like the victim, often defend the abuser, FUCKING MARRY AND HAVE KIDS WITH HIM, and they very often have shitty attitudes towards others. Ain't it funny how they attack people trying to help them, but vehemently defend the person abusing them? Ain't that just kooky?
For example, I'd have sympathy for ken's situation if she was just a quiet reserved person with issues who didn't want to harm anyone. But she keeps having a shitty attitude and blindly hating and mistreating and attacking men, so it's hard to sympathize.