Ignoring the fact that she already said on Reddit she’s never taking nudes again because she’s against them, it’s hilarious you’re trying to equate sending your partner nudes to the gigantic porn industry that is full of problems like trafficking, lack of verification, rape. I still watch porn occasionally because it’s getting made whether I watch it or not, but the arguments being made here make no sense and read more like you’re trying to defend yourself to yourself. There’s no similarities between getting nudes from a girl you love and beating your shmeat to 10 girls in one hour with 100 different positions and angles, who could all easily be getting coerced to do it or abused off camera. Just saying, that doesn’t make much sense. Not all porn is “””evil””” but it’s not like you can make sure which is or isn’t. And god damn I’m gonna say it again, there’s literally no similarities between getting a nude from a girl, and scrolling through a hundred bitches on Chaturbate looking for the right one to nut to.