exactly. if ken had sex with him it’d be known by now with screenshots to prove it, considering how many screenshots and proof of other things exist. the thing about ken that people who’ve talked to her all know is that she’s extremely gullible and naive and will trust anyone who’s nice to her for a while. it’s why so much has gotten out, she doesn’t know how to filter and censor herself. if you ask her a question she will either tell you the actual answer or decline to say anything at all. she’s an obvious person who only seems mysterious because she doesn’t post everything publicly. but there are only screenshots of her and other people saying they didn’t have sex and she refused to kiss him lol. she’s not sexless so she could’ve chosen to have done it but she didn’t. she was dumb enough to think a man like that actually wanted to just be friends and had a meltdown when that wasn’t the case, felt offended, he started being mean to her and marky, and they stopped talking. i wonder how long after that she reached out to marky, or marky reached out to her. 

 it is pretty creepy how as soon as he got sex from marky that’s when he started turning her and ken against each other and being mesn to ken based on that one screencap where he’s insulting her and she blocked him. maybe he thought he could make ken jealous enough to want to have sex with him but i doubt her mind would work like that