All true except a few. She finished high school early and graduated, and she really likes cooking. It's hard to imagine an OCD freak doesn't pick up after herself either. She's also an artist and likes writing but hasn't been publishing anything lately for some reason, probably because of the Argentines. But it's stupid to actually fantasize about anything with her anyway. 

As long as she keeps the OCD obsessions at bay I think she maintains a pretty normal life and doesn't need meds, she was only ever on them for OCD related panic attacks and I don't think she has panic attacks anymore. She claims the meds never helped them. But the worst I've seen from her since she was a teenager is just the obsessive misogyny goggles that clearly set her back for a bit. Not that I blame her given her shit exes. I guess it'd be hard to not fly off the rails hating yourself and thinking the world is just a misogynistic hell pit if you got raped and almost killed by your ex and the next guy you meet lies about porn, which just reminds her of misogyny which reminds her of the abuse she experienced. 

All things considered I hope she's been able to process things because she's been gifted in various ways and I'd hate to see her squander her talents. At least she stopped being a shut-in, that's a good sign I suppose. Just rambling at this point.